Who We Are

Our Team

Henry Henao, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC, CHSE
Director & Clinical Assistant Professor

Reports to the Associate Dean of Administrative Affairs. The Director is a faculty position responsible for creating a shared multi-year programmatic vision in coordination with key stakeholders and for planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating program courses and simulation-based learning across the continuum of learning. Primary responsibilities include management of the simulation center, coordination of simulation activities across programs and communities, faculty development, future planning, marketing and guiding use of the Center for training and research. As a member of the faculty, the Director actively seeks opportunities for and participate in College and University shared governance.

Assistant Director & Clinical Instructor

The Assistant Director is responsible for ensuring that the established goals and objectives for the STAR Center are met. The Assistant director will oversee the daily operations of the STAR Center, including inventory management, equipment maintenance, and facility oversight. The Assistant Director Maintains staff records, and interfaces with vendors, suppliers and equipment manufacturers. The STAR Center Assistant Director is involved in the planning, submission, and implementation of all budgetary items involved in the operation of the center. Mark Fonseca is the American Heart Association Coordinator for FIU. He oversees the organization all AHA courses and class scheduling. As a Clinical Instructor, he has developed, and taught simulation driven course objectives to Graduate and Undergraduate Students in Skills and Simulation Labs.

Alexandre Torre
Senior Systems Administrator

Responsible for the overall design, implementation, maintenance, repair, monitoring, and management of the simulation center IT operations. Manages the daily support of operating systems, application environments, virtual systems and audio/video (A/V) equipment. This would include, but not limited to integrating, training, maintaining, and operating the computer, audio/video (A/V) and simulation technology including the manikins and surrounding equipment. Works closely with faculty, staff, students, and vendors to cooperatively help manage and direct a highly functional, effective, and educational simulation teaching and research center.

Saber Corum, BS
Simulation Education Manager

The Simulation Education Manager provides the knowledge and expertise in simulation pedagogy to the Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing. Saber is responsible for managing resources to achieve the strategic goal of the Center to deliver high quality healthcare simulation education. He works with his team members to develop, implement, and supervise the facilitation process of teaching/learning. Saber also manages the training and regular evaluation of all facilitators using the latest evidence-based practice knowledge. He remains active in facilitating simulation teaching and learning and stays current in debriefing methods across a wide variety of disciplines. He additionally, provides initial training and manages the credentialing program of everyone delivering facilitation of learning within the Center.

Rickee Hanks, BA, MFA
Coordinator Administrative Services

The Coordinator of Administrative Services is responsible for providing administrative support and managing the coordinating functions of the FIU STAR Center. The coordinator Serves as the Procard user for the departmental transactions and assures compliance and adherence to university credit card policies and procedures. The Coordinator of Admin Services manages Center purchases by ordering supplies on a routine basis, keeping inventory of stock and maintaining purchase order records. The Coordinator of Admin Services will assist and advise, as needed, the Director and other staff members of budgetary and related issues. Other responsibilities include coordinating travel arrangements and reimbursements for Center staff, participation in the development, implementation and interpretation of operating procedures, and maintaining all current documentation for Society for Simulation in Healthcare Accreditation and American Heart Association Training Center.

Jessica Vila, BSN, RN
Simulation Educator Coordinator

As Simulation Education Coordinator, she will coordinate scheduling of simulation training programs, manage the training and assure regular evaluation of facilities using evidence-based practice available for evaluation, and support the development of simulation curriculum with technical knowledge of the simulation center capabilities and procedures to ensure the curriculum is accurate and appropriate.