Welcome to the Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing & Health Sciences Technology Center

Our Resources...

90 Workstation Computer LabAHC3 pc-lab
AHC3 Conference Room

Five Smart Conference Rooms equipped with

  • Touch-Screen workstation
  • video-conferencing cameras
  • 50" Display
Student/Employee Activity Roomactivity.jpg

Eleven 65" TV Displays for

  • Announcements
  • Faculty Achievement
  • Special Recognition



Our Services...  Quick links....
·  Computing equipment setup·  Classroom audio visual assistanceCANVAS LOGIN PAGE
·  Software installations·  Video conferencing request and assistanceFACULTY & STAFF TOOLS PAGE
·  Website photography·  Building card accessFIU QUALTRICS LOGIN
· Hardware repairs·  Digital TV displays contentFIU DIVISION OF IT SERVICES (AskIT)
·  Printer installations·  Website updatesFIU PANTHERTECH SOFTWARE
·  Computer repairs·  Document scanning & storageNWCNHS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY POLICIES & PROCEDURES
·  SharePoint access·  Computer lab reservationsPANTHERSOFT LINKS
·  Virus removal·  And more…SHAREPOINT SITES




Please stop by or contact our department if you need any assistance.
Office: MMC – AHC 3 – Rm. 206
Tel: 305-348-7720