Faculty are the guardians of the curriculum and, as such, the Curriculum Committee has the responsibility to oversee curricular requests not just from our departments/centers, but from every other unit at the University. Every curricular proposal begins and ends with faculty oversight. There are opportunities for experimental courses and valuable resources to support curriculum development. The University has adopted a new Catalog & curriculum platform. It is a fully online and electronic workflow called COURSEDOG.
For changes to your Course Objectives only, please follow the previous structure of proposal submissions. Submit a "Course Change" form, a copy of the updated syllabus with highlights of new information in red and strike-through of deleted information in red. The proposal should be packaged in PDF and sent via DocuSign as previously submitted. These Course Objective changes do not go to the University Curriculum. They are approved by the College Curriculum Committee, the Dean (or Associate Dean of Academic Affairs), and then returned to the Chair of the Department.
To follow the progression of a submitted proposal, please log into the COURSEDOG website, locate the proposal of interest, and view the "Current Step" section. Hover over the highlighted circles for proposal location and approval status. This section is updated in real-time.
Green Check = Step has been completed
Yellow Circle = Current step
Red X = Rejected
Blue Arrow = Route back
Curriculum Resources
What we teach and how we do so shapes how students learn and use their knowledge. FIU provides several resources to help educators provide the best curriculum possible.
Five Year Curriculum Review
Curriculum reviews occur at 3 levels within the NWCNHS programs: At the course level, track reviews, and program reviews. Course reviews are conducted each semester based on student course evaluations and focused faculty reviews of courses during departmental meetings.
Each year at the end of each semester, reviews are done based on clinical specialty or program tracks focused on performance of students on performance evaluation exams such as the exit or specialty exams as well as licenses or certifications.
The Dean has recommended program reviews every 5 years
NWCNHS Calendar Timeline
Course Proposals
Changes to a course prefix, number, credit hours, title description, or prerequisite, must have a current syllabus attached to justify the change. New course proposals must be submitted with a proposed syllabus which includes learning outcomes, major topics & textbooks.
All Other Proposals
To successfully submit the request, all proposals must meet Coursedog requirements. The Coursedog platform does not accept incomplete proposals. Please note the faculty contact submitting the proposal must be present at the hearing for the respective bulletin, if applicable. The listing of applicable hearings arid respective additional parties required are as follows: Joint Hearings is defined as Undergraduate Council & University Curriculum Committee and/or Graduate Council & University Curriculum Committee. The proposals that require joint hearings are: NEW Undergraduate Degree Programs, NEW Majors, NEW Tracks, NEW Graduate Degree Programs. NEW Undergraduate Minors only require the presence of Undergraduate Council. NEW Certificate programs, CHANGES to any program/major/track, etc., and Course Proposals do not require a hearing.
*Experimental course proposals must follow college/school procedures. Proposal must be approved by Dean or designee. The proposal is then routed to Jessica Moro in the Registrar's Office. Experimental Courses are offered for one semester only, unless there are extenuating circumstances, e.g., a permanent number for the previously submitted and approved non-experimental course has not been received.
Source: https://facultysenate.fiu.edu/coursedog/
The Curriculum Committee, Undergraduate and Graduate Councils do not meet during the summer. All new tracks, new degree proposals and graduate unit specific admission standards must be received in time for Bulletin #5 (see above) or they will be postponed until the first bulletin of the following year.
Please contact the Faculty Senate Office, Mary Cossio at cossiom@fiu.edu, if you have questions.