HSc‐PhD Admissions

As a prospective student to the PhD in Nursing and Health Sciences program at Florida International University, you must meet all admission requirements stipulated in the Graduate Catalog, in addition to the admission requirements specific to the doctoral nursing program.

Admission Requirements

Requirements and Instructions as an applicant with domestic MSN credentials:

  1. Complete required online application via NursingCAS (Nursing Centralized Application Service) for the admission semester of your choice and pay the appropriate fee to NursingCAS- https://nursingcas.liaisoncas.org/apply/#/login
  2. Complete required online FIU Supplemental Application -and pay appropriate fee https://go.fiu.edu/nursingphdsupplemental
  3. A master’s program grade point average (GPA) of 3.0/4.0 or higher.
  4. A master’s degree in nursing (MSN) from an accredited institution.
  5. Submit official transcripts from ALL SCHOOLS attended for college credit (all associate and bachelor’s degree coursework) to NursingCAS for review and verification. EXCEPTION: Graduates with foreign BSN credentials see section below.
  6. Submit three (3) letters of recommendation from academic and professional references to NursingCAS.
  7. Submit a professional CV to NursingCAS.
  8. Submit a statement of the applicant’s goals for pursuing the Ph.D. degree in nursing to NursingCAS. This statement must be typed, double‐spaced, in a narrative format of no more than 500 words.
  9. Current Registered Nurse (RN) licensure or RN licensure with Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) certification in the State of Florida, if applicable. License must remain current throughout the program. Registered Nurse (RN) licensure in Florida is waived for international students.
  10. A satisfactory interview by members of the College’s Doctoral Program Admissions Committee. The Committee will examine the credentials of all applicants.

Requirements and instructions as an applicant with foreign MSN credentials:

In Addition to the requirements listed earlier for applicants with domestic MSN you must:

  1. Turn in to NursingCAS
  2. Turn in to FIU Graduate School
    • Applicants, whose native language is not English, must meet the University Graduate School English-language proficiency requirements (TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo, ENC 1101 and ENC 1102, AA or BA from a U.S. school). Please note that it applies to all applicants with foreign BSN credentials except English Test Exempt Countries as listed in the following link under Foreign-educated Students
    • Official Professional Transcript Evaluation and Translation for educational purposes with U.S. Equivalent Grades, Credits, & GPA from a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services/NACES.
    • Comply with all requirements as per International Student & Scholar Services, if applicable.
*The Florida RN licensure and professional liability insurance requirements are waived for international students.

About our Admissions and Program Policies

Florida International University and Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing & Health Sciences policies, procedures, requirements and regulations are continually reviewed to serve the needs of the university/college’s publics and to respond to the mandates of the Florida Department of Education, Board of Governors, the Legislature, and other regulatory and accrediting agencies. Changes in programs, policies, procedures, requirements, and regulations may be made without notice.

Contact Us

For assistance or questions regarding our admission and/or application requirements, please contact the FIU PhD Nursing unit office:

Tel: 305‐348‐2979
Location: MMC-AHC 3, Rm. 521B