Daniel Jason Flores
After I graduated with my bachelor's degree, I worked in pharmaceutical science. After that, I became an aerospace engineer just to try something different and see where my career would take me. While I was doing that, my mom went in for routine surgery and never recovered. That was when I decided to go to nursing school to make a difference. After going through nursing school and having the best time of my life, that's where I am today. I love helping people, being a positive member of society, and serving my community. I've had many of my patients say, 'You're not the same as the other ones,' and I've told them that's because I do it from the heart. When you go to work and love what you do, it makes the day go by and is more rewarding as you touch people's lives. There is nothing like seeing someone in public and getting a 'How are you?' The thank yous are one thing, but the main thing is reuniting the family if you can and putting a smile on someone's face.