Donna Brown Burroughs
In my senior year of high school, I was in a Nursing Assistant Training Program, and that introduced me to nursing. Then I had an internship at Mount Sinai Hospital. I got to help patients, and I fell in love with nursing. I went to Miami Dade College for two years. I finished the LPN Program there. Then I was working at a rehabilitation center, and one of the other nurses was an FIU graduate. She encouraged me to go to FIU for my BSN. I applied and got in. I was married with kids and working while I got my degree. It was very challenging. My instructors were very encouraging. I learned a lot. We had clinicals. We had to create care plans for our patients. I did a geriatric rotation, and those patients had a lot of wisdom. The program made me not only a better nurse but also a better person. Our class was in the 99th percentile when we graduated.